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Old 10-28-2005, 01:18 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Transfer to Antioch if you can, Brianna, you'll get a better education and be surrounded by people who have actually have two thoughts in their brains that they can rub together!

Yes, once upon a time, a community would take care of its own, but in the the big impersonal cities, it didn't happen even back then and it sure won't happen now. In Colorado, anyone with half a brain to look around them could see that the elderly and handicapped are getting no help. The evening news on TV regularly features some tragic story of old people and disabled people going without food or having no place to live thanks to state budget cuts in social services.

The low income person with no health insurance is thrown to the dogs here in Colorado. There are newspaper articles and TV stories about that, too. Colorado tax payers refuse to pay for ANYTHING and the state legislature takes up all its time each assembly with deciding which will go next. Let's see, highway repairs or Elder Abuse Protection? That's covered on the news, too.

Do the generous people of Colorado dig into their pockets for local charities since they are refusing to pay hardly anything in state taxes? HAHA! Not the good Christian Focus on the Family crowd whose motto is, "let 'em die on the streets!"
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