Thread: Ramadan
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Old 10-27-2005, 05:29 PM   #10
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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An update.

I weighed myself this morning at home. 242 pounds. At the doctor's office I weighed myself on the same scale as last time, with the same clothes, or close to it. 252 pounds. So in one month I have lost approx 4 pounds. That's realistic. To normalize my scale at home I then weighed myself again on the doctor's scale without my belt, leatherman, wallet, keys, knife, phone, etc. All the things that added to the 252, but were absent from the first weighing at home this morning. I did have my clothes on both times, though. New doctor office weight: 248. So, there's about 6 pounds difference between the two scales, and then when I stepped off at the office scale, I noticed it didn't return to zero with the scale at zero. There's about a 1 pound difference between zero and floating in the middle of the range on indicator on the beam.

Net result? I will continue to go by my home scale figures, since I'm there much more often and can track my progress more easily. I will also account for the difference my moving my target weight downward by 5 pounds to account for the discrepancy between my cheapo home scale and the doctor's office.

Question, not to derail my own thread, but ... The weight you "are" is calculated under what conditions? naked? clothed? shod? For BMI calculations, what do you all use? Is there a doctor in the house? (Hmm.. never used that line in a serious way before. Cool.) Just curious.
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