Thread: Old Flames
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Old 10-26-2005, 06:56 PM   #33
Posts: n/a
Originally Posted by darclauz
No woman does something that thinking without an agenda. With regards to relationships, both old and new, women have a depth that men just don't have. Now, I know people (especially juju) think i'm sexist..and that's true. But there's a reason.. either...
she wants you, els, or there are unresolved abortion issues (i HATE that word) or something i'm not smart enough to get.
At the risk of stating the obvious, we women are individuals first, members of the feminine persuasion, second.

I had a similar experience with a boyfriend in my misbegotten youth. Had to have an abortion, we broke up, blah, blah. I looked him up on the internet a couple years back just out of curiosity. I thought about contacting him, but then thought "What for?"

But that's just me. I don't go to high school reunions either. Obviously, other people do, otherwise there wouldn't be any.

And men are just as capable of looking up old flames with an ulterior motive. I had an ex boyfriend contact me after I hadn't heard from him in several years. I wasn't kept in doubt very long of his reason. He had just broken up with his most recent partner and was at lose ends, casting around to see what might come up. Not interested. If it didn't work back when, it wasn't going to work a few years down the road, either.

People of BOTH sexes are going to have their reasons for contacting an old flame. Sounds like Patrick is being cool about it, not hiding anything from the Mrs., and she's cool about it, so no big deal.

If she suddenly starts whining about how awful her marriage is or something, then there might be a good reason to question her motives. But until and unless...
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