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Old 10-25-2005, 04:10 AM   #22
Urbane Guerrilla
Person who doesn't update the user title
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Southern California
Posts: 6,674
"Fantasize about blowing the budget"? That is what I'm cautioning against. And you actually missed that?

Hellhole? Is it not a reliable bet that hells on earth are made in places with totalitarian regimes? -- places that are not libertarian enough and thus poor and oppressed?

Wilsonian? There are two fundamental choices here: either passively accept the badness of the world and do nothing about the kind of people who displease themselves so much with us as to fly our airplanes into our buildings -- an action widely understood to be unjust -- or get proactive, excise these tumors from the body politic, global and local (the only real difference between the two is how long you have to journey to get there) and get a better world thereby. Personally, I've had enough of being the longsuffering target of every planarian fucker with a bomb and a grudge, and of putting up with the world's badness, and I'm of the view it needs a pretty dramatic reduction.

I am at bottom an optimist, Griff. You are fundamentally a pessimist, and you want everyone who claims libertarian beliefs to be the same kind of passivist pessimist you are. You cannot get this sick miserable thing you want. I advise you, for the sake of your own good mental hygiene, to stop wanting it.

You cannot, Griff, now or ever, persuade me of the rightness of your pessimist view. Friendly advice: the next time you get the urge to convert me to your pessimism, and I've read enough of your posts to expect there will be a next time, remember that that is where you get off, where you fuck off, where you stay fucked off, and really far off. About eleven parsecs will do, I suppose. (I've been reading Barnett's Celestial Handbook [3 vols] and am likely to sprinkle astronomical references through my posts for a while yet.) I'm not going to hear it; stop uttering it and say something constructive instead.
Wanna stop school shootings? End Gun-Free Zones, of course.

Last edited by Urbane Guerrilla; 10-25-2005 at 04:18 AM.
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