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Old 10-23-2005, 12:17 AM   #33
Goon Squad Leader
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Originally Posted by tw
That's nice. But what failed?
Nothing failed, tw.

Do you wear socks? When you take them off at the end of the day, they haven't failed, I mean, you could wear them again tomorrow, right? But you might decide that they're just too stinky and toss them in the wash. Voila'! Good as new. Not really new, but cleaned out from the bad stuff that accumulated as they we put to their designed use.

Now if you wear a hole in the heel, you might darn them and wash them (or wash then darn, I guess) Then you might say they had failed. But that's not the situation here. It was running like crap and I gave it a very thorough tune up. grant and RS are right too. It doesn't matter, because I don't care. Perhaps it is/was knowable what was causing it, but to me, it was the cumulative weight of loading app after app after app. So, I guess that failure was what I corrected. Too many crapplications.

I'm reminded of an old Calvin and Hobbes cartoon I love. Calvin asks his dad how do they determine what weight to put on the signs at the ends of the bridge that say "No trucks over ## tons" . Dad replied that they drive trucks over the bridge, each one heavier than the last, and when the bridge finally fails, the weigh the last truck to successfully cross the bridge, make a sign with that weight on it, rebuild the bridge exactly as it was before, then post the sign. Mom complains from off screen, but so what. It's not the only way to know, but it's one way. When this thing breaks again, I'll back up one notch and avoid that mistake in the future.
Be Just and Fear Not.
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