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Old 10-21-2005, 12:17 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
UG, where is the US military presence in Rwanda, in N. Korea, in China, in the "K-stan" republics that are lapsing back into dictatorship and totalitarism? Where is the US military in Sri Lanka, site of what has got to be one of the most unjust and deadly civil wars in recent history? What about the "disappeared" in Argentina? What about the "killing fields" of Cambodia? Where were we, then? The US cannot go to war on behalf of every oppressed people on the face of the planet. Your argument holds no merit.

Even if the US could engage in endless military actions, it is a well known fact that people don't appreciate the things that are handed to them on a silver platter. If your theory were correct, then I would submit to you that the rest of the world's people needs to grow up and stop acting like spoiled teenagers who want someone else to do their homework. The US needs to stop worrying about everyone else's freedom and watch dog its own.

Calling your opponents names will not win them over to your side. I sir, am an ass, and will remain so, call me however many perjoratives you wish, until your fingers grow stiff from carpel tunnel syndrome.
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