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Old 10-17-2005, 05:45 AM   #18
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Posts: 15
Apparently,the "huge input" in spaceflight technologies of USA not only gained the great improvement of holistic technologies,but also gain a "huge output" of economy.This show very important refering significance to China who's facing the adjustment of economic structure and emphasizing the stratagem of "developing by technology innovating".

What we want to emphasize here is,after launching,the strongest impression we have of those people who are in charge of design, manufacture, lauching management and other parts of Divine Vessel Six project in front of TV is:youthful! We can see from this, only on "bring up high-level scientists for a generation", there already has a great harvest brought by Divine Vessel Six project.

A data offered by China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation with important significance yesterday indicated that 80% of more than 1000 new materials of China recent years were developed under the traction of outerspace technologies.

Why the data has important significance is not because of the number in it,but the "consciousness" of "offer this data report".From our viewpoint,the action "offer" shows that China has taken fully notice of the "sameness and different" of the two super power's destiny in cold war.

From our point of view,the manned spaceflight plan took country stratagem of China a very advantaged place.Intensify national security one side like we said yesterday,and an other side it is apparently that Beijing want to find a "new way" to intensify the ability of high-new technology innovating then bring along the upgrade of Chinese economy through this project and following projects.

So from our point of view,this "data" shows that although China if following the way which was not changed from USSR to Russia on the details of carrying out manned spaceflight,China is referring to the mode of success of USA on how to impulse the national technology,bring up scientists widely and impluse the national economy in both "quality and quantity".

Impersonally the reserve in the mass of spaceflight and military technologies are all square,but USA did greatly successful job on turn high military technologies to civil which was a big failure of USSR.We think it the very important inner reason cause the different destiny of the two superpower.

So,China has "high-new technologies on top level",and decision-makers of China have already fully noticed the "success and failure" of USA and USSR on "turning from outer space to earth" and "truning from military to civil".They are consciously doing the job of "graft" of economy.

Withal,we think it is not enough just "fully notice" the importance of this "graft",the linchpin is how to found a mechanism of turning spaceflight and military technologies to civil.This shoul be the "import job of important jobs" of Chinese government.

From our viewpoint,Washington is proficient of such jobs and know well about what it means to China.

It's is so prominent that outer space technologies impulse the technologies and ecnomy of a country with alive market economy.This is the grounding why Washington bring out his argumentation of "menace of Chinese outer space military" "in time" too.

We have analyzed the restarting of SDI of Bush yesterday.From our point of view,the numbers of "worry" and "warning" of Americans is nothing but anxious for if they could realize their strategic objective of monopolizing outer space through SDI II or "veto" plan.

From our observing,for this moment,either the army or civil experts of USA,the menace they could describ clearly is focus on "Chia developing anti-satellites weapons".

From are two reason of this:first,just like Mr. Phillip Saunders said above,"US army is rely on these satellites deeply".

The second,and is the most important,as file from the Pentagon said,actually China has "developed out abecedarianly" the ability of attack and disturb satellites on low orbits the same as USA and USSR.

As we know,these three countries put breakthrough point on "laser weapon" and "high-energy particle weapon" happen to coincide.Many evidences show that Chinese technology of laser weapon is more advanced,all satellites flying on low orbit,either military or civil,are in the range of this weapon.

According to the Pentagon's plan,USA will deploy laser weapons or high-energy particle weapon in outer space to hold up and destroy satellites.This is the core of SDI.From our viewpoint,the plan which was seem to be impossible before has came to possible along with the developing of military spaceflight technologies.

Apparently,the developing of doday's technologies,especially electron,material and computer,make it pressing about the attacking and defensing based on outer space.

We noticed that,Americans have very detailed plan of building their outer space battle mode,that is:move their battle mode to outer space,buliding "spacecraft carrier" battle group in outer space,and one "manned space station" is equal to one "spacecraft carrier",orbit mobile anti-satellites spacecrafts can launch an attack at any moment and destrpy enemy's satellites quickly and exactly.

In addition,Americans are developing a kind of land-attack weapon based on outer space,named "hit top weapon".From the name we can know this kind of weapon will be used to attack target in sea,lan and air from outer space beyond visual range.This is the same attacking mode as cruise missiles carried by "aircraft carrier battle group".

Not hard to see that,once the development of laser weapons or high-energy particle weapon based on outer space success,the difference between technologies of "manned" and "unmanned" will emerge obviously and immediately.We noticed that in Washington's design,"manned" "spacecraft carrier" can not only destory enemy's satellites and spaceship,but also destroy enemy's intercontinental ballistic missile on their way,even in their boost phase."Manned" will be much more efficient than "unmanned" when doing such battle missions.

From our viewpoint,the reason why USA,Russia and China regard manned spaceflight technologies so highly is that all of them regard outer space as a possible battlefield in future,and think it a "absolute tipping point" to insure their own strategic living space.

[...pass over]
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