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Old 10-15-2005, 09:43 PM   #16
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by xker
And we noticed too,it's under this situation that EU decided to develop "Galileo" which will stand up to GPS as an equal together with China in spite of USA's menace of destroying it.
Do you have even basic knowledge of the space business AND of the political implications of what is and is not being proposed? Of course you know of the $billions being spent on an anti-ballistic missile program that does not work (according to America's own top experts), that has again been changed because they could not pour concrete on the island in Alaska, and for a threat that does not exist (Osama bin Laden or some other terrorist might get intercontinental missiles). And of course you know all about this political hot potato called Galileo - why it is being created and what it will do.

Xker posted some interesting questions. What he does not understand: most Americans have no idea what he was even talking about let alone heard of any of those projects. Many Americans only hear Star Wars hype - and assume it must be good. Many Americans are so easily deceived as to even think the Moon Missions resulted in new American products.

Start with Galileo. Who here even knows what Galileo is and why it is being created?
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