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Old 10-14-2005, 11:42 AM   #613
Goon Squad Leader
Join Date: Nov 2004
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Ed and his lady love decide to get married after all. In an effort to please her new husband, she decides to learn to play golf. After taking two or three golf lessons, the young woman decides to go out one day and play her first round. She tees off on the first hole, hitting the ball about forty feet. She walks up to it, chooses a club, and hits it again. This time it goes about 50 feet, but out of bounds. She walks up to the ball anyway, chooses a club, and as she addresses the ball, she gets stung by a bee. She walks back to the clubhouse and tells the pro, who knew her when she was single, "I was doing pretty good, but I got stung by a bee between the first and second hole."

The pro considered this for awhile and then replied, "Well, your problem is, your stance is too wide."
Be Just and Fear Not.
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