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Old 09-29-2005, 10:50 AM   #30
polaroid of perfection
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: West Yorkshire
Posts: 24,185
Just to add my vote for laser eye surgery. I had mine done at the end of June and have perfect vision in my right eye now (from -3.25). My left eye is currently -0.75, so I have an appointment in November to they can check it again. If it gets any worse they will operate again.

I have to say I don't regret having the surgery, but am keeping everything crossed I don't need a correction. I was disgusted by the smell (why don't they warn you?!) and I did suffer intense pain and swelling for 3 days afterwards. If I knew how to attach an image I'd show you a pic of me 2 days after surgery - I look like I've done a few rounds in the ring

Want to hear the most bizarre part of it? I bought my eye surgery on eBay. The guy who owns Optimax in the UK is an eBay fan and sells off last minute slots in his clinics at a reduced rate. He says it keeps his staff busy & his clinics full and people who can be flexible about when they have the surgery get the same service at a discount. I am rather looking forward to being asked "Where did you get your laser eye treatment?" and answering "eBay actually".
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