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Old 09-28-2005, 06:12 PM   #8
Goon Squad Leader
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Now that that's behind us, I had another thought this afternoon about your common situation.

Why not pay him?

I personally disagree with the proposition that I as a parent should pay for chores, homework, etc. Behavior that is expected or required isn't free, but I don't feel like paying money for it. But.

You may feel differently about the whole idea. I have known parents that used cash as an incentive for grades. I think the key point for me would be to pay for performance, that is, grades, and not just clockin' time grindin' out the homework. If he's so smart, (I say tongue in cheek), and you're open to the idea, start a conversation with him about it. Maybe you don't have to pay in dollars, or maybe he could earn cash but have to pay cash for something else he used to get "free".

What is he expecting? Apparently he's already raised the subject with you. Perhaps he's already given you the answer you're searching for. If the price was right, (strictly a negotiation, all the way), I might be inclined to get what I really REALLY wanted (good homework habits) by doing something I didn't really like so much (like paying cash).

Dunno. I'd really want to get his read on it. Is it all subjects? What does he like to do that can be perverted into an academic exercise? See. Just more questions. Sorry.
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