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Old 09-21-2005, 06:22 AM   #5
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
My thyroid is fine, at least my TSH is fine. They didn't test for T3, T4, etc, but I figured maybe the TSH covers the overall function? Or maybe my doctor was an idiot- wouldn't be the first time!

I have signs of hypothyroid, like dry skin and fatigue, but I can easily lose weight and I'm not overweight at all, so I don't think that's it.

I'm pretty sure it is from stress and autoimmune seems right. I have a bunch of other autoimmune issues that started at times in my life when I was stressed- Multiple food allergies and gluten-intolerance, cysts in my uterus/ possible endometriosis, etc.

Yes, the best idea would be to REDUCE STRESS, but I have to make money and my job is kind enough to give me a week off every month for my period issues.

I've never heard of sex-therapy for har loss. Interesting concept!
Getting out of the restaurant business is probably the biggest factor in my recovery!

I am dreading the possibility of having to wear a wig!! I'd rather cover up the bald areas with a spray/cream/anything. What if I got the hair caught on something and it came off? And wouldn't it look like a damn wig? I'm not spending $800 on a human hair wig, so synthetic's my only choice.
(I hate hats and I can't wear one to work anyway.)

I'm calling out sick today. Probably tomorrow too. Then I have 9 days scheduled off anyways. I have to figure out the best way to cover this shit within the next 11 days.

Oh, and I asked the dermatologist about the possibility of mange or anything else I could've cought from the dog- he said no way. Besides, it's not itchy, red, inflamed, flakey, or anything. Nope, it's just falling out by the root- you can see the follicle at the end of the hairs that fall out. They call them "club hairs". A big sign or alopecia aureata or hair loss from trauma.

You know, I did get in a car accident about 3-4 months before this all began and that is a very real possibility of why my hair is all falling out. BUT, I didn't get hurt in the damn accident, and I've had much more traumatic things in my life (divorce at age 19, my current husband almost dying on a fishing boat, finding those emails my husband wrote to that other woman, working at the vet and bagging dead bodies, watching them use a saw to cut the head off a lab puppy to send to a lab for rabies testing, etc, etc.)

So, really, the car accident wasn't even all that bad!

Damn, am I rambling or what?

Last edited by staceyv; 09-21-2005 at 06:28 AM.
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