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Old 09-20-2005, 07:53 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
Alopecia aureata

I have this, or so the dermatologist says. I started losing clumps of hair in mid-july. I went to a doctor in late august, thyroid tests and blood count were normal.
I saw a dermatologist last week and he said this is what I have. It's autoimmune. It gets worse with stress. I am REALLY stressed out in summer! My job gets out of control and I'm scheduled more.

So now I'm going bald and I have patches of scalp that show and I actually bought spray-on-hair.
It works, but it sucks. It rubs off on my hands, ears, pillow case, etc.
It makes my hair feel like a brillo pad, but I keep using it because it covers the bald.
Anyone know of a better hair toucher-upper? I'm using GLH "Good looking hair"
The worst part is the more hair I lose, the more stressed out I get.

Today I got fed up with all the hair falling out and decided to help it along. I went to a hairdresser and got it ALL chopped off into a pixie-like cut. Almost like Halle Berry's hair or Demi Moore back in the day.
Thing is, now I need the damn spray on hair even more.
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