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Old 09-18-2005, 07:31 PM   #14
Icy Queen
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Southeast Alaska
Posts: 700
Well, tonight I am making stuffed meatloaf.

What I do is take the lean ground beef, and mix it up with a couple of eggs, some Panko breading, assorted bits of bell pepper, some Johnny's seasoning, woooshdeshire sauce (that's how my dad says it), a little soy sauce & some minced garlic, then let it set/ soak for a couple hours in the fridge.

Then.... I cut up some mushrooms and some red onion and saute 'em in butter & add a bit more Johnny's.

After the meat has soaked, you squish or roll it into a thin rectangle, and spread the mushroom stuff on top, and then roll it up like a jelly roll.

You put it in your pan seam side down, and squish down the two open edges to seal it, then you cover it with strips of bacon, and then cover it in ketchup to seal the whole mess in.

Bake at 350 until it's done! Yum!

Normally I make my meatloaf with the mushroom & onions incorporated into the meat mixture, but I thought I would do something different tonight.
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