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Old 09-08-2005, 01:24 AM   #94
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Posts: 82
[quote=HappyMonkey]No, the point is that NICOTINEGUN has no idea about who has done what, except for the ones the press chooses to cover. I could just as easily ask why he hasn't donated to the Red Cross.

Okay, I'll spell it out for you Mr. Monkey: don't go on national television and talk about how the U.S. needs to do this and that for this country and that country and bash the administration and then do nothing when something happens in your own country.
My problem is not with rich people who do nothing. My problem is with these rich people that chomp at the bit when something in another country happens and they organize media campaigns bashing the administration, but then they don't say a word when something happens here until it becomes political.
I feel for all those people. I think more should have been done, but you didnt' hear a peep from Hollywierd until it became a political/racial thing. That is the issue.
Hurricanes are racist!
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