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Old 09-07-2005, 09:16 PM   #21
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Halifax, NS
Posts: 168
Sale on asbestos undies in aisle 5!!!!

I somehow doubt a US president would be so blatantly racist- even icky thicky Dubya isn't THAT stupid.

if anything Kanye West and his celebrity ilk are more to blame- why didn't he hire a fleet of water tankers and stretch Hummers filled with food, gather up all of his hood-mates, and race down there to help out? No, he got on TV in his fancy duds, with all of his buds, and flamed the Pres from nice, safe SoCal. Typical. The only person more hypocritical is Bono. We pay these people millions to stand in front of cameras, freak out when one of them goes to a movie premiere, then expect them to not puff up for the media, roll up their sleeves and go help out the little guy. Yeah, right.

Maybe if the media didn't have an audience of no-minds eagerly awaiting the next pearl of wisdom from Rocket Scientologist Tom Cruise, or Julia Roberts, these idjits woud be forced to go lend a hand in person to get airtime.

PS- I am Canadian, and I have to say that we should eject Celine over the Atlantic. What a maroon. Did someone let her go out again without her Prozac???????
It's Really Plain and Easy To See,
The Family grows like fungus on a tree.
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