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Old 09-03-2005, 11:37 AM   #139
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Originally Posted by Brett's Honey
I just watched Fox - the O'Reilly Factor and Hannity and Colmbes....losts of criticism of the Louisiana governor and N.O. mayor, followed by a lot of praise on Houston's excellent organization and ability to meet the immediate needs of all of the people they've taken in.
You should have seen right through those half truth lies as they left the lips. Houston is a larger city that only took in a few ten thousand people. AND all facilities were intact and functional. They could even tap their sururbs for assistance. To praise Houston, wait till they have to take in a second hundred thousand refugees. Only then does aid becomes challenging. Ahhh. But what is necessary to lie? Fox News must forget to provide numbers - not put the disaster into perspective. Perspective is not what a 'black and white' propaganda service wants to report.

Everyone is asking about busterb. Rumored to be that bad even about 1/4 up the state and just southeast of Jackson MS. Houston has all suburbs intact. Bay Springs is reported to take three hours just to rescue local folk. How does the LA or MS governor get aid to New Orleans when even way north in Bay Springs, it takes hours to rescue people. New Orleans nor LA even have suburbs for support.

Glaring fact. Louis Armstrong International airport that is right at the disaster location is all but empty. A nation chock full of C5A, C17, C-130, and C-141 transport aircraft as well as others such as 747s and DC-10s sent how much aid into the city by air? When asked why military planes were not providing such assistance, well, the federal government never asked. George Jr never asked. Where is Fox News on this story? Its called lying by telling half truths.

When it is declared a federal disaster area, the #1 organization for all decisions and action is FEMA. A responsible president is taking all FEMA calls personally. But George says it's ... hhhaaaarrrrddd.

Learn the lessons of history. When Andrew went through FL, some reservist friends were transported to Harrisburg to man the large military storehouses there. They sat there doing nothing. One reported the entire FEMA request was for one tent and a few generators. Meanwhile, about 5 days later, a FL county official found some press people and said, "Send everything you have now. People will be dying in hours."

Deja Vue. FEMA's response in FL after Andrews was just as pathetic as its response in New Orleans. A response one can expect from people who are promoted because they are politically correct - and therefore don't have a George Patton attitude of solving problems. But again, these deaths were more than ten years ago. How many forget back then how FEMA let people die. Appreciate the angry look behind Ted Koppel's eyes as the FEMA director repeatedly avoided or would not even answer hard questions. Only anti-Americans would have acted as FEMA and this administration have. So bad was the response that accusations of racism or second class citizenry cannot be ignored.

Where are these supporters of George Jr now that the meddle of the man is tested. His response to this hurricane is just like he ran his oil company business and just like the "Mission Accomplished" war. No oil was found, the investors lost everything, but George Jr got rich. Leave it to Fox News to lie again about the integrity of the man - and blame the victims.

Last edited by tw; 09-03-2005 at 11:41 AM.
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