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Old 09-02-2005, 01:16 PM   #115
Join Date: Jul 2003
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Originally Posted by marichiko
Busterb lives in Bay Springs, just north of New Orleans. Haven't been able to find any info on the town, but many places in that region seem to be low on food or out and the same with drinking water, and electricity. Ice is being distributed. Hope Busterb is OK.
What Little I just found :

Jasper County Damage
Jasper County, Miss.
Andrea Williams

"It's major! There's no gas for vehicles! No water for people! It's MAJOR!"

Jasper County Civil Defense Director Joe Springer is describing the situation in and around the town of Bay Springs.

"We have major power outages. All of our water wells are down. The hospital is out of water," says Springer.

According to emergency responders, Jasper County was one of the hardest areas hit. In fact, the roof was taken off a mobile home during the storm. Not only that, but officials say it took them three hours to rescue a woman who had been hit by a tree. During that time they say they had to cut trees from Bay Springs all the way to Heidelberg and then into Jones County just to get her some help.

While most of the hardest hit areas in Jasper County are still covered with too much debris to reach, we did talk with two residents who are now dealing with damage.

"It took the whole roof off," says homeowner Barbara Tatum Turner. "It took the porch first and then it went taking the top off."

"It makes me very upset! I paid it off eight years ago," says homeowner Nancy Evans who lost everything in the storm.

While Stringer says it will likely take weeks to have power and phone service fully restored to the entire county, he says what makes it worse is that the county doesn't have ice or water to disperse to those in need. Despite this, residents we talked to say as with Hurricane Katrina, “This too shall pass!”

"It's gonna be alright! says Turner, "I'm going to make it, someway, somehow, we're going to make it!"
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