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Old 09-01-2005, 04:07 PM   #17
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Posts: 14
The situation in the Netherlands is pretty much the same as the one in America. We have a president called Jan-Peter Balkenende at the moment who is, with the coöperation of most of the ministers who are appointed to run the country (his cabinet as we call it in Dutch), de-liberalising and "re-organising" the Netherlands in very drastic ways. Most of the population doesn't like the road our country is taking but they ARE letting it happen.

The unrest here is growing and political scandals have become day-to-day material. My parents are pretty left-wing and they are awed at the fact that there haven't been any major protests yet while the majority of the population is not happy with the situation at hand.

The cabinet we have now is a stubborn one and even a few scandals haven't been able to make it fall. And I certainly don't agree with most of their policies but as you said, Undertoad, there is not much a person can do solo and most of the people will never have the guts to stand up and really come out for their opinion. People tend to be like a flock of cattle. So it's just a long wait for the next election, hoping that the remaining time of the current government won't drag the country down into a real troublesome situation.

Face it... There is not and will never be a Utopian government.
DON'T take life too seriously, or it could become a nuisance
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