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Old 09-01-2005, 12:47 PM   #7
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
Posts: 14
I used to be a "gamer/computer nerd" myself. I still play a game sometimes but it used to be the only thing I did, but I was 14 back then so don't blame me. Anyways I never got to the point of being afraid of "real" social contact and I think people who DO get to that point have some serious psychological problems apart from the fact that they seem to have a "fictional" purpose in their life. I'd think a normal person should realise (at least in some point of his life) that a game is a way of entertaining yourself and an unhealthy world to live in for the rest of your life. :P

The article is pretty funny and even though it probably isn't true I know there are people who are not far from this state and the numbers are increasing; think about the Korean guy who killed his best friend. The guy lend his virtual possession (a sword in an mmorpg) to a friend who sold it shortly afterwards. As retaliation for this the guy stabbed the friend to death. Pretty out of context if you ask me...

For anyone who doesn't know that story, take a look:
DON'T take life too seriously, or it could become a nuisance
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