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Old 08-25-2005, 11:11 AM   #2
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you said fingernails on the chalkboard doesn't count, but that is my BIG thing. i mean HUGE. i have goosebumps just typing about it.
-i had to drop a required class in college because the prof squeaked his chalk frequently.
-i help with Junior Achievement and i laid a condition down that i won't go into a classroom with a chalkboard.
-my son is working on Writing Without Tears, which requires a chalkboard. i leave the house when he works on lessons.
-the feel of chalk on my hands makes me break out in sweat.
-i can't even listen to people talk about it. while typing this i had to stop for a moment to crack my knuckles and neck before i could continue.

i have found recently that it isn't just the dreaded chalkboard. i had to restrain myself from literally punching my son the other day because he sat down and scratched his nails on the driveway.

it makes me physically ill.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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