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Old 08-19-2005, 11:06 AM   #38
Part-time internet junkie
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Oklahoma
Posts: 14
Originally Posted by sycamore
I don't like the prices, but we're still not paying as much as we were in 1983. *shrugs*
Some of us weren't even alive in 1983!

Is it an excuse to act like one's own situation is the worst it could possibly be and/or ever has been? No. I don't pretend that gas is at its highest ever. I just say that it's the highest it has been in my life.

Of course, I didn't start paying attention to gas prices until my teens, so it has never been under $1 as far as I can recall. So at least that means it has gone up "less" for me than other people. I have $1.19 (the first "high" price I can recall from my senior year) to hold onto; other people have $0.35.
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