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Old 07-25-2005, 12:06 AM   #9
Read? I only know how to write.
Join Date: Jan 2001
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Originally Posted by Brianna
You consistently champion the muslims, which is fine, but you need to remember that there are good and bad factors in ALL things. You want me to understand the anger of the muslim? I do. I understand anger, oppression, prejudice, ecomonic butt-fuckery and more. I understand. Somehow, though, I manage not to kill innocent people over my frustrations and anger. YOU do not understand the cult of death that has gripped the muslim world. From what I read of your posts you feel it is an appropriate response. You also lump every christian with every right-wing freak and hang the lot.
It explains why you don't understand what I have posted. I don't champion anyone - not even Muslims. To put it in terms of what you are looking for - I hate everyone with equal opportunity. One problem. I will post incendiary words so that when you see an emotional opinion, then you are only lying to yourself. There is no 'muslim world' as you have described. At least not in anything I have posted. There are 3 or 3 million factions. I champion none of them. Instead I ask some damning questions and state some contrarian facts - and for you - not so nicely so that you will ignore any emotion you might perceive. The only thing you should read are the facts. Any emotion you perceive is your own bias - which I encourage by sometimes selecting incendiary words. Stick to the facts. Emotions, if implied, are included so that your will make mistakes - and then have to accept you read looking for an emotional bias.

Most Muslims are not fanatical nor are they that religious. They are not disenfranchised. Furthermore I never once cited all Muslims in any paragraph. If at any time you did not repeatedly see discussions of unique subsets, then you have read out of context. I was discussing a few Muslims, Catholics, or Jews, or the institutions that tell them what they should do. If you think for a minute that I have posted with a broad brush, then you did not read those 300+ words as many times as I did when I wrote them. In fact another who made the 'broad brush' statement should have cited the specific paragraphs rather than just make 'broad brush' accusations.

Just tonight, I sat for a beer with another stranger who told me these 'people' all have suicidal hate in their hearts. He was advocating the president's agenda and said it was what George Jr both says and knows. That is the problem. I asked him if he had heard of the Muslim Brotherhood. Of course not. He just knew the president was right. I asked him if he understood that Bin Laden and Saddam were arch enemies. Of course they were not. They were both Muslims and therefore are united in their hate of Americans. I ask him how it was that Americans once could walk among all these people, even when they were fighting each other, and be greeted as a friend. I asked him why both bin Laden and Saddam were both allies of the US. This only confused him. What was I looking at? One who promotes "the cult of death that has gripped" too many American political mindsets. Classic of 'us always good verses them always bad' thinking that this White House promotes to justify an illegal 'Mission Accomplished' war.

Kennedy kept asking (and therefore we are all alive) questions such as, "But what does he see? What has he been told? Why would he think that?" Is that not what I have been posting repeatedly? Yes. I keep asking you to widen your horizons - especially learn how often this president lies by telling half truths about Al Qaeda. There is no solution to the quagmire of Iraq without answers first to those and other questions.

Most (I believe) here did not know of the Muslim Brotherhood OR of how and why terrorist are recruited. Outside of the propaganda from 'the powers that be', there is little fact that Al Qaeda performs all these terrorist acts. And yet to stop "them", we must first acknowledge who they are, why they act, what they know, and why we have suddenly made fanatical enemies of people who were once friends. These questions expose White House propaganda. Questions that can only be answered from THEIR perspective.

Good people ask these questions - and bluntly without any attempt to be 'politically correct'. Good people become even better when provided the full story and when forced to consider contrarian perspectives. That means text that, if read for emotional perspective, will never be understood. You have looked for an emotional bias. That means you are trying to find political correctness in what I post rather than reading using a yellow highlighter; ignoring anything that may indicate an emotion.

The ultimate question is how do we get out of this quagmire called Iraq? It starts by understanding why we are there. Why are they attacking us? Why are 'they' so many different people? Why are 'the enemies' increasing in numbers? Why are we making Americans less popular throughout the world? These are questions that good people ask and seek answers to. Those who hate people would attack the messenger - person who asks these questions. People who hate never ask for nor want contrarian perspectives; nor try to learn THEIR perspective (as the stranger in a bar who better meets your definition of hating people). Those who love people would routinely ask why so many people who would have rather been American friends no longer are. And ask that question with 'in your face' incorrectness.

These are the lessons of Vietnam when America attacked a nation who even asked to be a protectorate of the US. During Vietnam we (and I) did not ask these questions. Therefore America became a nation of not so nice people. Good people always ask the questions I have been asking. Questions such as why does America now love and approve of torture - as long it is not an American. Good people even seek, ask, or find truth in the statement "We have met the enemy and he is us". Until that statement can be debunked, good people must question themselves or their leaders. Those who seek emotional understanding would then accuse the good people of 'hating people'; for always looking for the bad things in life. Those who hate people always want to see only the good side; never ask politically incorrect questions; even fear blunt words such as penis.

Is there anything in this post that even implies an emotional bias or opinion on my part? If you think so, well, I may routinely use incendiary words just so that your emotions lie to you. And I don't care. Adults should never look for any emotion in posts. I am asking difficult questions - and will use incendiary words as you might use "thank you". IOW I am not politically correct. If you find any emotional bias in my post, it was put their so that you would lie to your self. I am asking damning questions that only "good" people would ask. People who don't hide their head like an ostrich.

Ask yourself, “Does he dislike Brianna?” The minute you find a single word to justify such an opinion, then you are lying to yourself. The only answer? You don’t know because he did not say so in a logical manner – complete with reasons why. Anything less would be looking for emotion where words are chosen to confuse the emotions – so don’t use emotional considerations to try and understand.

The only way you can make a claim that I hate people - quote specific paragraphs as examples. Trying to read into my biases? Not possible because of the perspective I use to write - to intentionally confuse your emotions. Meanwhile show by example how I lump every Christian with right wing freaks. Post those paragraphs as examples. Otherwise that would be a bias on your part. If I did not specifically state it, then you don't know of my thoughts.

Last edited by tw; 07-25-2005 at 12:14 AM.
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