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Old 06-19-2002, 01:43 PM   #3
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I remember the day that this happened. October 12, 2000. The picture was on MSNBC's site that day and still remains in their "conflict perspective" section. It's pretty awful that some people can take joy in the death of others.

Here's another one that I like.

This is of a mother celebrating with her son. He's about to go on a suicide mission - an attack on some Israeli soldiers that are guarding a settlement. They both know that he's going to die, but they're rejoicing in the likelihood that he'll be able to take out a soldier or two before they get him. Indeed, he and another suicide gunman managed to kill two Israeli soldiers before they were shot dead.

Now... since she had knowledge of the crime that was going to be committed and did nothing to stop it, should Israel or the Palestinian Authority lock her up? I say "yes".
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