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Old 07-20-2005, 08:41 AM   #6
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Bush would invade Quebec and put its leading government officials on trial for crimes against humanity and cruelty to frogs for eating all those saute'd frog legs. There would be collateral damage to Calgary and Ottawa. When Canadians became upset about this, Bush would arrange for the Army to film a heart warming scene of a GI bandaging up the missing legs of a French Canadian school child who had thrown a spitball at a group of US soldiers at a checkpoint outside St Catherine's.

The French President, looking fit and tanned, would appear in a videotape just before the US 2008 election. He would demand the return of the Statute of Liberty. Nobody would be able to figure out where he was living in hiding, although a mountain looking suspiciously like the Matterhorn would be seen in the background.
y'know that is probably the funniest thing i've ever seen you post.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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