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Old 07-18-2005, 08:08 PM   #9
Traded your soul for pogs.
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Champaign, IL
Posts: 646
I went to a funeral as a field trip in first grade... don't know why we went, or what was discussed before or after... I just went. The issues I have do not stem from that event.

My 17th birthday party was in a funeral home... my friend's parents owned it, we decided to have a joint party and decided the funeral home was the ideal location. We weren't allowed in the embalming room... but everything else, including the casket showroom was fair game.

So, now that I've probably frightened all of you... I do think this bed thing is weird... along with taking pictures of people in caskets, which my family members are known to do and look through the albums.
I love England, what can I say?
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