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Old 07-16-2005, 04:45 PM   #12
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by richlevy
I wouldn't mind seeing a few TW matchups on some of those talk shows.
I would lose, hands down, in those talk shows. I cannot say something unless I first have sufficient supporting evidence. This thread is typical. Long ago remembered UT claiming his electricity was all nuclear. I had that above list of power plants. But that list alone was not yet sufficient information. A chart finally obtained from the NERC demonstrates UT's mistake. Numbers required to demonstrate that UT was only speculating - did not first learn the facts.

I don't talk like Rush Limbaugh: make half baked claims without numbers and supporting facts. Posts are longer - no sound bytes - when reasons for 'why' are also included. The 'Rush Limbaugh' technique is to keep running - keep changing the discussion - so that 'real world' facts, numbers, and other details never get presented. An effective propaganda technique that keeps one like me silent.

Some foolishly say, "Rush says what had to be said". They forget a Rush statement is 'quick and move on' so that research and numbers arrive too late. It takes time to first find the details behind a Rush Limbaugh statement, then find the real world details, and then organize those details so that eyes do not glaze over. Rush knows that many of us don't first wait for and demand numbers. Too many instead believe the first thing we are told. Exactly why propaganda and junk science reasoning are so effective.

It took about 4 months to find a chart for UT's electricity. In a Rush Limbaugh discussion, that chart would never be presented. Reality provided by numbers takes longer.

Political types, in verbal discussions, would run all over me. Too many people believe those who only provide 'sound bytes' - never provide the supporting facts. Propaganda promoters are good at sound bytes, half truths, propaganda, and changing the topic before details are sufficiently examined. But the devil is in those details. Same details also demonstrated Saddam's WMDs were not as the President claimed. As more numbers appeared, then those aluminum tubes were for cloning an Italian rocket called Medusa - not for processing uranium. Better to just claim uranium was from Niger, then out a CIA agent, then claim Saddam had an intercontinental missile system in development, then claim bio-chemical weapons, then claim Al Qaeda was working with Saddam, etc - so that numbers and real world facts never get presented. Lie after lie presented fast enough means the numbers and other details never get learned.

UT's electricity is not mostly nuclear. UT assumed otherwise because he knew Limerick existed. He did not even learn how Limerick electricity gets to his home. Limerick electricity must first pass through Cromby - a coal, oil, and natural gas plant- to get to UT. His electricity would only be nuclear if the multiple plants at Cromby first did not meet his electricity demands. Another fact he did not first learn.

It takes time to first learn the details. UT did not first learn the numbers. He assumed and then declared that all his electricity is nuclear generated. He used Rush Limbaugh logic. Even Lookout123 (routinely) chimes in (in classic Rush Limbaugh tradition) by posting insults; provides no numbers and no facts. One would think my name was Hilary.

I stand criticized for not providing the facts and numbers soon enough. To many, that would be sufficient for talking heads to win an argument. To a majority, only the first statement is accurate. It demonstrates why propaganda is so effective and why I would lose to those talking heads.

Last edited by tw; 07-16-2005 at 04:50 PM.
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