Thread: London Bombing
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Old 07-07-2005, 09:17 AM   #10
Professor for the school of ass-clownery
Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Surprise!
Posts: 404
London bombing...islamic (lower case on purpose) group claims responsibility...hmmm, what a shock. Every hot spot, every bit of mass violence seems to involve our "friends" the muslims. I'm am sick to death of it, not that it matters. I can not comprehend a religion that advicates death and distruction when dealing with intollerance. Encourages the systematic destruction of Gods one greatest gift, human life by strapping on a bomb and blowing themselves up killing inocent men, women, and childern. This is not a religion, it is a cult. They claim allah, god is telling them, directing them to kill all those who don't agree with their way of thinking, I can not wrap my mind around that concept at all. My God, directs kindness, mercy, grace. True, my God once told Saul to kill all the Amalikites, every man woman and child, but that was old testiment, that was the old God. I have no repect for the muslim faith at all. There are those who claim that islam is not violence and hate, BS. Prove it! Those who make those claims (who out number the ones who don't) refuse to do anything to stop this mentality for... well for fear that they too will become targets.

Today London, Iraq, Spain. Tomarrow, New York, Seattle, Phoenix. It's only a matter of time folks. 300 dead mostly childern, in coordinated theme park attacks. muslim extremeist claim responisbility. I can see as plain as day.

The bottom line is this...those nations who embrace islam are about 1000 years behind the times. Because of this mentality, they are impoverished, jobless, opressed, and miserable. The young who are angry are looking to blame someone. The easiest target? Anyone but them. This war against terroristism will never be won the way we are going right now. The only way it will stop is from within the islamic religion itself. The muslim pople themselves have to stop it, they have to want to stop it. It's like the war on drugs, it will never be won with conventional means. But if they don't, there is one other way that will eventually come into play, and that is when the entire world gets tired of the sensless violence and turns completely on the muslim nations to drive them out. I, personally don't advocate this path, so just calm down everyone, however, I see it as enevitible. It's on the's only a matter of time. It's human nature.

This concludes our rant session for today.
That's it! Send in the chimps!

Last edited by Hobbs; 07-07-2005 at 09:21 AM.
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