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Old 06-26-2005, 03:29 PM   #3
Goon Squad Leader
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Another very interesting post, xoB. I wonder, how official is it? Is this "The" recipie for the Flag of The United States of America (tm) or what? And if it is, then what is a flag that doesn't correspond to these parameters. Is it not a flag? If it's not, what is it?

All this lawyerly hoo-raw in my head is in connection with a story this week in the news that the US House of Representatives has passed a bill to ammend the Constitution.

What would be legal? What constitutes desecration? What if you burned a flag made in China? What if you burned a flag with 53 stars, or with the red and white stripes reversed. That would probably not be picked up on the television coverage, and would still have the inflamatory effect. What if you accidentally drop the flag on the floor or ground?
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