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Old 06-10-2002, 10:54 PM   #5
Strong Silent Type
Join Date: Mar 2002
Location: Fort Collins, CO
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i read dune a long time ago. i really enjoyed it. so far i like the wheel of time series, but i think certain characters could be done without. funny you should mention nynaeve, because shes at the top of the list. i dont really feel that the series compares to lotr, as the covers of most of the books proudly proclaim. dont remember the quote offhand, but its something like 'robert jordan has come to dominate the world tolkien began to reveal'. bah. i think the shannara series by terry brooks comes closer to that mark, and that series misses by a longshot (although i really loved the shannara series, especially the new trilogy). i was thinking of giving tom clancy's novels a try, the movies based on his books were always pretty good. and its been a while since ive read any vonnegut. 'mother night' is probably my favourite vonnegut. just a great story.

wow. that was a directionless rant.

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