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Old 06-23-2005, 05:23 AM   #761
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 9
Damn, you guys beat us by a long shot... We at BH and many other forums have only gotten so far. Though with Kriss constantly updating ThisIsNotPorn, it's getting very hard to keep up with him, especially with all the password changes.

I have been trying to solve the riddle for many a months now, about 7 months, or so.

All I have to say is good luck, and keep up the good work, you are getting there.

And if this is any help, if the rumor is true, and Kriss was in the war at Normandy, than June 6th is a relative date. June 6th is the D-Day anniversary, maybe something happened to him on that day.

Good job figuring out he was using Navajo, we figured that one out a long time ago.

And the pages make referrence to more than Dance, Dance, Dance, and Lost in Paradise ...

There are still a few passwords you have to figure out, I tried Victor Frankenstein and Frank Frankenstein for "Frankenstein now, Yuki's Bird.", but no go... I would make sense, considering in Dance, Dance, Dance, Yuki was said to be a bird, and Yuki Gotanda was used in "DorothyAndTheScarecrow"... Also the fact that is says "Frankenstein now,...", as in Frankenstein is the clue for the un/pw. I am completely stumped on "Audition, death of a traveling salesman.".

And to let you all now, this was not made up by some regular guy, he is affiliated with the makers of Halo 2, the place everybody got this from, was the end of the Halo 2 trailer. There is no publicly know available phone number to contact Kriss, just him email address.

And one more thing, where did everybody get Gordian Knot from, for "Master and Betrayer.", the poem referres to Alexander the Great, any of this ring a bell? "An oracle predicted me,", Alexander the Great was predicted by an oracle. Alexanders full name is Alexander Gordian. A lot of people came up with Gordian Knot for some reason...

I have contacted Kriss asking if his riddle is solveable at the moment, or if it is a work in progress, since it keeps leading us in circles, unless we missed a huge hint. And if he is going to do anymore, once this one is solved. Only been about 5 hours since I emailed him, no reply yet.

So I give you all the best of luck, and I will be popping in and out every once in a while, to see your progress. And add anything that you guys have missed, that we have solved.
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