Thread: Bikes!
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Old 06-13-2005, 11:31 AM   #4
Join Date: Oct 2003
Location: somewhere in between
Posts: 995
I got me a Nikon 8800. I've been debating between an SLR or an advanced P&S, but then I realized that I just couldn't justify spending all the $$$ on SLR and lenses, more or less for recreational use. Got a great deal on the 8800, and there's a Nikon summer rebate too.

It works beautifully - once you actually figure out how to use the thing. Major learning curve - took me almost 150 shots before stuff started coming out remotely close to how I wanted it.

Otherwise, it's built like an SLR, fully programmable with plenty of functions. The nikkor lens is great, but a little slow to focus beyond, say, 150-200mm. Sadly, many of the "cons" that were posted to are VERY prevalent with the 8800 - but with a little tinkering, I've been able to work around some of the shortcomings.
Gone crazy, be back never.
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