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Old 06-10-2005, 12:07 PM   #9
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Rush Limbaugh is a centrist?
*lookout123 searches through previous posts looking for mention of limbaugh, not finding any looks through previous 3000 posts searching for positive comment about limbaugh* nope, couldn't find any.

tw, what is your preoccupation with limbaugh? i understand he is an asshat. so is hannity. you are kind of preaching to the choir, as i don't think there are any cellarites looking to those types for talking points or answers. but to answer your question (notice how some of us actually answer questions?) no - rush limbaugh is not a centrist. he is a right wing hack. he is a failed rock disc jockey. he is a failed nfl commentator. he is a recovering drug addict. he is ablow hard who has built a media empire around his image. he is not a centrist.

now that we've covered rush limbaugh, for this thread anyway, lets move on to the actual topic at hand.

for once, i agree with tw - dean is not the problem with the democratic party. he is, however, a symptom. for some reason the D leadership doesn't recognize that after all the blustering and pandering, a majority of this country falls into the political middleground. if politics were a football field - *oversimplification alert* limbaugh and hannity would be on far right 1 yard line, GWB would be on the 20, McCain would be on the 30. on the far left you'd have franken and rhodes on the 1, dean/kennedy on the 20, hillary on the 30, etc. the problem is that the majority of americans are hanging out between the 40's wondering when a political leader will come represent them.

the average american wants a leader who looks and sounds like them. someone they may disagree with on certain issues,but who they believe will do the best they can. the average american is sick of being a part of a D party that looks and sounds like T Kennedy and Daschle - two men who ooze false sincerety. to be fair they are also sick of being a part of a party that looks and sounds like Delay, limbaugh, and hannity. i still believe that is why bush really won - he looks like an average guy and sounds like one too. nevermind that he is obscenely wealthy and went through the ivy league - he looks and sounds like one of us.

ah, whatever - i guess the point is that most of us who refuse to join a party are dieing for someone to step forward to represent us. Howard Dean isn't that guy. it doesn't matter what he really thinks, it is how he presents himself. we are @3.5 years from the next election and he is already sounding like a firebrand. that isn't what average americans are looking for.
Getting knocked down is no sin, it's not getting back up that's the sin
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