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Old 05-31-2005, 09:08 PM   #1
King Of Wishful Thinking
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Watergate's Deep Throat Revealed

Identity of 'Deep Throat' Source Revealed

In a statement issued later, Watergate reporters Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein said, "W. Mark Felt was 'Deep Throat' and helped us immeasurably in our Watergate coverage. However, as the record shows, many other sources and officials assisted us and other reporters for the hundreds of stories that were written in The Washington Post about Watergate."

The reporters and Bradlee had kept the identity of Deep Throat secret at his request, saying his name would be revealed upon his death. But then Felt revealed it himself.
I wan't sure I would ever know this secret. I don't ever remember this guy's name being even mentioned as a candidate for "Deep Throat", but I was wrong.

The identity of the source has sparked endless speculation over the last three decades. Nixon chief of staff Alexander Haig, White House press aide Diane Sawyer, White House counsel John Dean and speechwriter Pat Buchanan were among those mentioned as possibilities.

Felt himself was mentioned several times over the years as a candidate for Deep Throat, but he regularly denied that he was the source.
It's actually pretty historic.

If they ever gave a medal for whistleblowing, this guy earned one. I'd love to see Bush have the balls to recommend this guy for the Medal of Freedom. Of course, considering the secrets probably roaming the halls of our current adminstration, I think he'd be afraid to encourage someone.
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