Thread: gurk
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Old 05-24-2005, 04:16 AM   #19
stalking a Tom
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Originally Posted by cowhead
I want this Sarah girl to love me/like me.. and she does both.. a.)she won't admit it to herself (no really you don't mistake that look in someones eyes.. when you can see you? know what I mean? b.) the last relationships either of us had ended badly.. very badly..
What if you can mistake 'that look'. And how much of what one sees 'in their eyes' is actually in the eyes, and not just an optimistic interpretation of facial expressions combined with some effective confirmation bias?

I want to believe you cowhead, but I don't. All our situations are so similar I can't help but realise we can't ALL be right - we all think our relationship is special, and the other person will 'come round in the end' but maybe they won't, maybe we're just giving ourselves excuses to prevent us from seeing the truth that might allow us to break free from our conditioning. And conditioning is very comfortable.
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