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Old 06-05-2002, 09:50 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
World Cup Stupidity

I don't care much for soccer. I don't really care much for any sport except basketball. Just really is the only one that appeals to me.

However, I do care about reading the news, and I keep up on sports somewhat. So I'm reading this morning about the US team's 3-2 upset defeat of Portugal at the World Cup. I stumbled across this precious quote.

Clifton Broumand, from Landover in Maryland, described Wednesday's game as a "cosmic role reversal" and a tribute to those killed in the Sept. 11 suicide hijack attacks on the United States.

"Today we were Portugal and they were the old United States," he said. "This was U.S. soccer's tribute to the people who died on Sept. 11."

I'm all about honoring those who died September 11, but this is fucking ridiculous. No one on that team was going "Yeah! Win one for the terror victims!"

But what really gets me is his wording. "This was U.S. soccer's tribute to the people who died on Sept. 11." Really? Did they tell you this? Was this planned all along?

Can we stop linking the most abstract things as tributes to September 11? It's beyond absurd. Christ.

I'm going to go eat a hot dog for the September 11 victims. I hope you'll all do the same.
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