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Old 05-15-2005, 12:46 PM   #301
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by SmurfAbuser
snip~ I found it when I was looking for info about microchipping my cat. I've never heard that they're trying to pass laws to stop pet ownership and from what I've read most of the employees there have pets. I could be wrong, maybe garnet will know.

Are you really afraid that PETA will succeed in taking away your pets? They don't have the power, the public will never let it happen, and from what I understand it's never been part of their agenda.

I get your point with all this, but I think you're blowing things way out proportion and worrying about nothing.
If PETA and their allies get their way, you can keep the cat but you'll have to consult the cat's attorney before you do any microchipping or vet visits.
By the way, you can stick that flea bath in your ear, :p
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