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Old 05-15-2005, 12:32 PM   #2
The future is unwritten
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Originally Posted by garnet
This is a leaflet that is made to look like a comic book. Do you think that every comic book is intended for children? No, lot of them are adult-oriented. I can't name any off hand because the genre doesn't interest me, but I'm sure there's people out there that can.
True, Mad magazine comes to mind but there are a slew of porn "comic books" also. The PETA "comic book" raises hackles because at first glance it gives the appearance of being for kids. I've a feeling this was intentional to get peoples know, shock old and honorable(?) advertising gaff.

I was more interested in a link, from Wolf's link, about the agenda and methodology of the Humane Society of the United States.
I must admit I hadn't done my homework on this organization and made assumptions that are apparently not true. I thought they were sponsoring animal shelters when they are not.
In 1980, HSUS officially began to change its focus from animal welfare to animal rights. A vote was taken at the national conference in San Francisco and it was formally resolved that the group would “pursue on all fronts … the clear articulation and establishment of the rights of all animals … within the full range of American life and culture.”

In Animal Rights and Human Obligations, the published proceedings of this conference, HSUS stated unequivocally that “there is no rational basis for maintaining a moral distinction between the treatment of humans and other animals.” bad.
The descent of man ~ Nixon, Friedman, Reagan, Trump.
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