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Old 05-12-2005, 04:11 PM   #295
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 657
Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
I'm not threatened by them, at least not directly. But I am concerned about any form of extremism. And these ...people... are extremists.
Hmmm, I go to work everyday, pay my taxes, own a home, vote, have a clean police record, and I don't participate in anything violent. So that makes me extremist? Cool! I've never really thought of myself that way, but hey, whatever you say.

Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
I'm not aware of the NRA advocating violence and destruction or an extreme change of life for every person on the planet, regardless of their wishes.
Nor does PETA advocate violence or destruction. If PETA is so violent, how come the FBI and IRS has not taken away our tax-exempt status? They keep a close eye on us to the point of harassment, but have never found anything. PETA has been around 25 years, so they've had a quarter-century to investigate. Are the FBI and IRS not doing their job? No wait, I know! The FBI, IRS and PETA are all secretly conspiring to take away everyone's right to eat a cheeseburger. Please.

Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
I don't see the NRA trying to convince me that my child's life is equal to that of a dog, cat, or monkey. Can you cite otherwise? There is video of Rodney Coronado giving a demonstration on a college campus, at PETA expense teaching people how to make an incendiary device. How out of context is that?
I can cite anything you want. I'll be happy to do this for you if you want, and we can go back and forth about it for days. However I doubt that anyone else in the Cellar really cares. And since PETA finances terrorists, can I ask again how we get away with maintaining our tax-exempt status? Wouldn't the government and their many IRS audits of PETA have discovered this by now? Hmmm.

Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
I made the christmas tree referrence conditional for a reason. I wouldn't just shoot someone for no reason.
I'm really glad to hear that you only gun down people when they hand out brochures or do other things you don't like. Very comforting.

Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
And why would the market it to a children's level unless they expected for it to end up in a child's hands?
This is a leaflet that is made to look like a comic book. Do you think that every comic book is intended for children? No, lot of them are adult-oriented. I can't name any off hand because the genre doesn't interest me, but I'm sure there's people out there that can.
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