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Old 05-12-2005, 03:41 PM   #293
The urban Jane Goodall
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Originally Posted by garnet
How did I know this was coming...
There's hope for you yet...

Originally Posted by garnet
TS, why are you so threatened by PETA? You get SO angry when anyone brings up PETA, yet at the same time proceed to call them idiots. Why are a bunch of idiots such a threat to you? if you don't like PETA, ignore them.
I'm not threatened by them, at least not directly. But I am concerned about any form of extremism. And these ...people... are extremists.

Originally Posted by garnet
I don't like your heroes at the NRA, but idon't waste my time worrying about them. it's not worth getting so upset about.
I'm not aware of the NRA advocating violence and destruction or an extreme change of life for every person on the planet, regardless of their wishes. I don't see the NRA trying to convince me that my child's life is equal to that of a dog, cat, or monkey.

For the record, I'm not a member and I think some of the people at the NRA are as wacky as the PETA people.

Originally Posted by garnet
And yes, the numbers, quotes and accusations made by the CCF are inaccurate, taken out of context and/or completely fabricated.
Can you cite otherwise? There is video of Rodney Coronado giving a demonstration on a college campus, at PETA expense teaching people how to make an incendiary device. How out of context is that?

Originally Posted by garnet
But if you want to continue to believe them, that's fine, it's your choice. I have been to many anti-fur demonstrations where the brochure you're so upset about was used. They were never, ever handed to children--only people who looked to be at least 20 years old. We're they perhaps given to a 17-year old who looked 20? Perhaps, but I think a 17 year old will be able to get over it--just like you should.
I made the christmas tree referrence conditional for a reason. I wouldn't just shoot someone for no reason.

And why would the market it to a children's level unless they expected for it to end up in a child's hands?
I have gained this from philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law. - Aristotle
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