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Old 05-12-2005, 03:20 PM   #291
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 657
Originally Posted by Troubleshooter
Are they wrong or lying? That's the important question.

Are the listed numbers in some way incorrect?

Did they or did they not finance at least two known domestic terrorists?

Were the quotes actually spoken as they were attributed?

Did they actually produce and distribute this comic book to children?

And the first mother-fucker that hands something like that to my child gets to play christmas tree, by the way.
How did I know this was coming...

TS, why are you so threatened by PETA? You get SO angry when anyone brings up PETA, yet at the same time proceed to call them idiots. Why are a bunch of idiots such a threat to you? if you don't like PETA, ignore them. I don't like your heroes at the NRA, but idon't waste my time worrying about them. it's not worth getting so upset about.

And yes, the numbers, quotes and accusations made by the CCF are inaccurate, taken out of context and/or completely fabricated. But if you want to continue to believe them, that's fine, it's your choice. I have been to many anti-fur demonstrations where the brochure you're so upset about was used. They were never, ever handed to children--only people who looked to be at least 20 years old. We're they perhaps given to a 17-year old who looked 20? Perhaps, but I think a 17 year old will be able to get over it--just like you should.
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