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Old 05-10-2005, 12:42 PM   #12
When Do I Get Virtual Unreality?
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Raytown, Missouri
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Originally Posted by mlandman
I'm confused re: what we're looking at -- is this the cockpit? Did the eagle get caught in a window or break through the windshield or hit a propeller then...?

Just trying to understand how it got where it did.

This shot is looking down to the floor of the cockpit. The rear of the cockpit is at the top of the image. The eagle remains are on what is the port side of the aircraft/cockpit, next to the pilot's seat. Looks like it came in through the window, as there is a large piece of broken plexi on the floor with the head. I would surmise that the bird's body got splattered by the upright between the front cockpit window halves, leaving its head intact to fall to the floor after bouncing around the inside for a moment.

On the other hand, looking at it again, I think I'm completely wrong, as it doesn't really look like the cockpit to me...too much weird clutter, and the seat is all wrong. There's a magazine rack in front of it!
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