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Old 04-28-2005, 04:56 PM   #67
Victim of gravity
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Originally Posted by Catwoman
Tonchi do you have any deep-seated problems from discussing Ulysses at the age of 5?
See? You're assuming immediately that Ulysses means the Joyce novel, you ADULT you

For me at that age, it was an exciting epic of the Trojan war, where guys ran around in really cool costumes, like Brad Pitt recently brought to our attention, and all this beautiful stuff was still buried in the sand out there somewhere and when I grew up I wanted to go discover it. I still remember vividly when Life Magazine released the first photos of the excavation of the (assumed) Tomb of Midas. But discussing it with anybody else was impossible, so I just read and read and read. When I wrote my Senior Thesis in High School it was about Cliff Dwellers of the American Southwest. I'll never forget the look on my teacher's face, she was considered one of the most refined and educated people in our town (and a bona fide Southern Belle) and all she could say was "I never even knew this existed. However did you get interested in THAT?" That's why I loved college. When you keep climbing up the educational ladder, all of a sudden people who have the same interests as you do show up, rising from the stew of "normal" people that you were all lost in before.

OK, but about the novel, I never knew how the name was correctly pronounced until I was 18. The book was gibberish, a total waste of the time it took to read it. Then last year there was an article in one of my magazines, I think it was Smithsonian, that Ulysses is a masterpiece of language containing puns and codes which would do the Kabbalah proud. But even so, I'm not interested in reading it again (got enough from Ulysses for Dummies on the web)
Everything you've ever heard about Fresno is true.
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