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Old 04-23-2005, 10:01 PM   #15
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
God zippy, that made me tired just reading it!!
It's a nice idea, but it'll never happen. If I tried to make him get out of bed and clean, he would say "no" and roll over and fall back asleep. If I ripped the covers away, jumped on the bed, etc, he would get very offended. Then we'd probably end up in an argument. I can't force him to do anything and I can't sweet talk him into it,either.
The last time we cleaned the apartment together, it took him THREE days to do his half. he did the tub on day 1, the rest of the bathroom on day 2 and vaccumed the living room on day 3. If we were to do all that you suggested, he would need to take off 10 days from work.

We can't afford a maid. We NEVER go out to eat, neither one of us has a cell phone, I bought his work clothes at the thrift store. Our car insurance is going up and we are desperately trying to pay off the credit card...

Monicakat, I like your idea! I will let you know if I ever find a way. The last time we cleaned, I had to let the apartment go for SIX months before he broke down and did his half. it has been 4 months since we cleaned. Maybe the time periods will keep getting shorter until he gives up and cleans his half regularly? Who knows.
But his attitude is a lot like your boyfrien'd. It's very frustrating.
Oh god, and my mom and her fiance just stopped by a few minutes ago, I was MORTIFIED!
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