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Old 04-09-2005, 07:28 AM   #27
Wang Dude
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: South Carolina
Posts: 177
when I was but a prevert, still a little young for total pervert, I had surgery. IT was a kidney related surgery and I had to check into hospital the first day of summer. My parents were having a pool installed at home that week and I would be unable to swim in it until some time in August. My best friend was flying in and I wouldnot be able to go see him for a while. On top of all this I was in the Naval hospital and since I was still under 18 I had to be in the pediatric ward. Most of my room mates were at least half my age.
My favorite aunt was an RN. For fun at her house I use to read her medical books. one of these was an intro to psych text. At the time I considered that direction for a career.
The reason for this long winded into, at the half way point of my first stay in hospital a doctor walked into my ward and asked to check my surgical batch. He asked if I was in pain. I said no. He asked if I minded the tube running out of my back. I said no. He asked if I was upset my summer was being ruined by this. About this time I became suspisious. Let me add here that my doctor learned quick that even at 14 I understood most of what he told me. I also demanded to be told what he was doing and what meds he gave me. The doctor actually liked it. He was use to adults and it made me easier to deal with. This doctor failed to properly introduce himself. I began to get very derpessed suddenly. I started picking at my blanket and answering in monotone. I refused to look at him. THings like that. My answers to his questions got steadily stranger till he noticed I had changed too quick and asked me in an odd voice "DO you knw why I am here?" I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Arent you going to ask me how I feel about my mother?" I smiled. The shrink got pissed and walked out. The nurse said he told her he didnt have time to deal with smartass teenagers. He returned the next day and introduced himself as the Ward shrink and that he wanted to talk to me about my stay. I invited him to sit down and after that we had good visits.
No offense Wolf but I often wondered if some psych students dont take it more to help themselves then others. I know I got interested because my whole family is full of nuts.
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