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Old 03-28-2005, 04:15 PM   #31
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: Ohio
Posts: 927
noodle, it's the easiest thing in the world to get one percent, right? okay, now double that and you have 2%. Now, all you have to do is find out what 20% is (which is easier than calculating 15%), and subtract the 2%.
check is $25.00
1% of that is .25, so 2% would be 50 cents.
now, 20% of $25 is $5.
SO, 18% is $4.50
(20% minus 2%)
They also make tip wallet cards with a little graph that has the numbers in it, and some people use their cell phone calculators.)

Hell-even better, be lazIER. 20% is simply easier to calculate than 15%

Here is a quote from a post on my other favorite forum,

people who say why should they tip? They are eating in a restaurant and are ENTITLED to service and they should not have to pay extra for it, they think. When you eat in a restaurant, you are paying for the food and the preparation. That is why restaurants pay their servers $2.13 an hour. Because the cost of your service is not tied into the food. If it were, your food would cost a whole lot more because the restaurant does not operate on a profit loss. They would not start paying all those people waiting tables and bussers real wages and keep the prices the same. See, their costs would go up, and to keep the same profit margin (yes, this is a business, not a soup kitchen) they would have to charge you more to cover those employees. I know you don't want to believe it, but I promise you that restaurant owners and corporations would not give you this personal servant and eat the cost out of their own pockets because they like you.
A person waiting on you, who serves you while you sit on your behind and order around, is a PRIVELEGE. Not a right. The person that does everything for you at a restaurant and kisses your ass and more, the person you expect the world from on a platter, that is a person just like you. He was not born for the purpose of serving you. His place in life is not at your feet. You are just not entitled to service. Rich people pay their butlers and maids and personal assistants. The restaurant actually gives you the ability to not tip well for poor service, so that you get good service in the long run. It's for your own good, man. I mean, why else would anyone care if you got your 4th refill automatically? Or, that we remember you told us an hour ago it was your wife's birthday. If I wasn't hoping for 20%, I wouldn't have such a good memory. Really. My memory is sh*t. When I started waiting tables, I forgot half of what I needed to remember. But, I want 20% .. so I forced myself to remember all kinds of things that really are not that important to me.... the only real importance they have for me is that I want your dinero. If I didn't get a tip, well believe me, I would not have worked so hard to develop such a good memory. I certainly wouldn't suck at my job enough to get fired, but I sure as hell wouldn't work as hard as I do. I really would let you wait a whole lot longer for things, instead of learning how to do 5 things at once for 5 tables so you hardly wait at all for something. And, really, the fact that you think of me as your personal slave for an hour..... that doesn't come free. Do the right thing, I know it's hard in this day and age. I know you are a selfish person and don't think of anything but you. I know you want everything for free. I know you think the world revolves around you. But, it's not the right way to be.
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