Thread: Finger Food
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Old 03-27-2005, 03:22 PM   #3
Romantic Necromancer
Join Date: Mar 2005
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Posts: 29
Wolf: yeah, they can determine if the finger was cooked in the chili or added later. Labs have also done things like run tests on Pepsi mice and the like to discover if those cute, furry little soft drink additives were bottled at the plant or planted in the supermarket or whatever in legal cases involving such things.

Regarding Briana's question, I'm sure a lot of us have eaten crime victims. I have no good reason to suspect that, but making hamburgers and chilli and the like just seems like a wonderful way to dispose of a corpse.

Okay. Off to Wendy's, and then the video store. I wonder if they have Soylent Green?
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