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Old 03-03-2005, 08:25 PM   #13
Read? I only know how to write.
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Originally Posted by chainsaw
Person A wrote a report. Person B asked “Can I see your report?” Person A said, “Yes, but then I’d have to kill you.” Person B writes a letter to the head office saying he/she was the victim of a “terrorist threat”. Person A is waiting for his/her day in court to tell Person B what a friggin’ ass-hat he/she is.

I am surrounded by such idiots! What is this world coming to?!
It's called intolerance - like we have not seen since the 1960s. Intolerance avocated by concepts such as racism and religious extremism. Intolerance of barbers murdered because they shave Iraqi beards in violate of Sharia law. Intolerance of science that teaches scientific principles in direct contradiction to Biblical parables (ie Dover PA):
Origin of Life Debate Key Issue For School Board Candidates

Intolerance starts with those who are most intolerant - the extremist religious who would force their religious beliefs on all others and who would even worry about silly wardrobe malfunctions as if it required an anti-ballistic missile defense system (another idea based on no science and justified by religious fever).

Once we start the disease of intolerance, then it only expands into every aspect of society. So intolerant that even a kid's Spanish homework becomes messages for terrorism. This is what happens when the most intolerant put their people into positions of power. Intolerance then spreads like a plague. Nobody expected the Spanish Inquisition.
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