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Old 03-02-2005, 10:04 PM   #54
Schrodinger's Cat
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: A Black Box
Posts: 157
Originally Posted by Undertoad
If the shield works, and the US says it won't necessarily shoot down north-bound items, Canadian cities become "unhardened targets" representing the west in general. If the shield works it would become a waste of time and money to shoot at Seattle. But Vancouver...!
Why bother? As has already been discussed, Canada's military is pretty toothless right now. So, someone wipes Canada right off the map. Then what? Whoever the entity is that decides to attack Canada has wasted a bunch of perfectly good weapons for nothing, because they didn't do anything about the biggest, meanest kid on the block who happens to live next door.

When's the last time the US ever gave a rat's ass about Canada, anyhow? Look at the comments at the beginning of this thread. Someone bombing Canada would mildly irritate the US, but so what? Nice symbolic gesture, can we switch the channel back to "The Simpson's" now?
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