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Old 03-01-2005, 03:41 PM   #23
High Propagandist
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 111
Originally Posted by Clodfobble
then you are blinded by a secular pesimism

This was the one I was dumbstruck by...

The comment was made in reference to the "herretical Rabbi" comment, not onyxcougar directly. If someone only saw the story that way, then its a short sighted pesimistic view in my eyes. The secular part is in reference to debunking anything religious, point out how none of it could happen based on "facts", regardless if the teachings are based on life and the better treatment of your fellow man. That's all. None of which takes into consideration the possiblity of the inherent value of the teachings. Furthermore, if Christ was real, do you really think he would want people only to treat others well because he said so, that goes against the entire concept of Christ. I reject Cougar's assertion of "why listen to the teachings then" mentality. If you can't just listen to the words and the morals they try to teach, and you need a lot of fire,brimstone and proof that Jesus was the son of God to scare you to be good, I feel sorry for you.

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